The Police Conference of New York (PCNY)

...was established in 1925 as an umbrella organization of law enforcement unions, and has evolved into the preeminent professional police labor organization in New York State.
Over the course of almost a century, it has grown to include hundreds of local law enforcement unions representing cities, towns, villages, and counties, along with authorities, commissions, and state police departments. In addition, it counts among its membership eight regional conferences and two retired police associations. Police Officers represented by these groups total approximately 50,000 individuals, making PCNY the largest police organization in New York State.
The PCNY office is located in New York’s capital city, Albany. A full-time president and is supported by legal, legislative, and clerical staff.
Over the course of almost a century, it has grown to include hundreds of local law enforcement unions representing cities, towns, villages, and counties, along with authorities, commissions, and state police departments. In addition, it counts among its membership eight regional conferences and two retired police associations. Police Officers represented by these groups total approximately 50,000 individuals, making PCNY the largest police organization in New York State.
The PCNY office is located in New York’s capital city, Albany. A full-time president and is supported by legal, legislative, and clerical staff.
The PCNY...
is recognized by key elected officials and agency department heads, and their respective staffs, as the preeminent professional police labor organization in New York State. This prestige and status translates into credibility at all levels of government.
fosters legislation that enhances public safety and the criminal justice system, and opposes legislation deemed to be detrimental to public safety and law enforcement
supports legislation and programs that positively impact the living and working conditions of law enforcement officers
provides expert testimony at public hearings with respect to issues important to law enforcement
conducts seminars to educate its members on the latest developments in law enforcement and public safety
is a clearinghouse for all things related to law enforcement and the police labor field to benefit its members
provides each local unit an automatic seat as a voting member on its Executive Committee, which meets regularly throughout the year
provides to local units comparisons of collective bargaining agreements regarding salaries, benefits, and the like
provides the availability of recognized experts, who are members of the PCNY, to local units to serve as their representative on arbitration panels
provides optional life insurance, dental and optical plans – that are considered by experts to be among the very best available – for individual members
provides a dues structure tailored to provide a reasonable assessment and vote structure for local units regardless of size, with additional representation by district
is affiliated with the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) and the New York State Public Employee Conference (NYSPEC), two preeminent organizations that enhance and empower the PCNY on a state and federal level
provides representation by select PCNY officials on governmental entities important to law enforcement:
State of New York Police Officers’ Memorial Advisory Committee
Governor’s Police Officer of the Year Advisory Committee
Comptroller’s Advisory Council for the NYS Employees’ Retirement System
NYS Civil Service Police Examination Review Committee
NYS Law Enforcement Accreditation Council
State of New York Police Officers’ Memorial Advisory Committee
Governor’s Police Officer of the Year Advisory Committee
Comptroller’s Advisory Council for the NYS Employees’ Retirement System
NYS Civil Service Police Examination Review Committee
NYS Law Enforcement Accreditation Council